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Charging details >>
Credit card declaration >>
Service pricing >>


Charging details

Kudos Solutions Limited ( will charge for services on a monthly in arrears basis. These charges will automatically be made to the supplied credit card on the last day of each month following the start of service.
Should any service be cancelled a daily pro-rata charge will calculated for that service.
Where the supplied credit card details have expired you will be notified by email and will need to provide us with new credit card details within three months of the expiry of the old details or service may be suspended.
Where the credit card charge is refused by the bank you will be notified by email and will need to provide us with new credit card details or tell us to process the charge again within one month or service may be suspended.
Where you are an existing Kudos Solutions Limited customer we MAY allow you to have your Internet charges applied to your existing KSL charge account. Payment for your Internet charges must meet our terms of credit. Where you do not pay the entire amount of your account for any reason, you must clearly show that the Internet charges are being paid. Failure to pay for Internet charges on your account may result in suspension of service.
Any service cancelled within seven days of being activated and where that service is flagged as refundable will incur no charge.

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Credit card declaration

The bank providing our credit card facility requires that we make the following statements.

Name of business
Kudos Solutions Limited also trading as

Description of services
Descriptions of the services being supplied are provided at the time you request the addition of that each service

Company registration
Kudos Solutions Limited is registered as limited liability company number AK/106293 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Charges payable
There are no extra charges associated with the services we offer excepting the government Goods and Services Tax (GST). All quoted prices are exclusive of GST.

Returns and Refunds
All services can be deactivated within seven days and no charges will be made.

Delivery Policy
Not applicable.

Contact Details
Click here for contact details.

Export Restrictions
Not applicable.

Terms of sale
Click here for terms of sale.
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